Monday, August 29, 2005

It's hot, eh?

Just a quick one from Canada - it's my last day in Toronto and I've really enjoyed it here: good food, good people, good town and (some) good beer. The tip for the beer seems to be anything with a very Canadian name (Moosehead / Molsen) is bland, but stuff like Alexander Keith (whoever he is) is pretty good.

Toronto is a good city - not too big (but there's so much development going on I'm not sure how long that will stay true) and with very well-defined the point where Chinatown seems to stop dead at the end of a street. I don't know whether that's "natural" or dictated. Anyway, bits of it remind me of Boston - some of the buildings and the feel of it. I had a few pints and a meal in the "Elephant and Castle" last night...which perhaps isn't a good example of me immersing myself in Canadian culture, although it was Canadian beer, so I'm not being a terrible Englishman abroad and demanding tea and crumpets wherever I go.

Yorkville was a good little district - horribly expensive by the look of it. Yonge street is good for shops - nearly got fleeced by a friendly woman in a camera shop who tried to take advantage of my gadget addiction. The harbour area is really good - I'll head back there today and take an island trip I think.

Niagara was excellent - very tacky, but you could easily ignore the tacky and concentrate on the falls, which were incredible, especially from the Maid of the Mist boat, but not as tall as I imagined them to be.

My first big train trip is coming up tomorrow - Toronto to Winnipeg, which is about 30 hours. 30 hours! Should be OK as it's on the plush Canadian train, with observation cars and a sleeper compartment, so I'm looking forward to it. I've seen North by Northwest...I know what happens on these trains ;-)

As soon as I find an internet cafe that lets me upload photos I'll post some holiday snapshots.

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